- Why Facebook is the most powerful web-site for those in MLM.
- The 5 Biggest Reasons Why People Fail with Facebook in signing up distributors.
- Where and how to find other network marketers and friend them.
- Hot to build genuine relationships with other network marketers on Facebook.
- How to actually stand out from all the other network marketers on Facebook
- The ‘6 Laws of Facebook Influence’.
- The Ultimate MLM Facebook System
- The #1 Enemy for your Facebook Marketing
https://www.facebook.com/dee.wy.98- The prospect that says ‘no’ to you today might be looking for a new opportunity in 6 months time. When that happens you want to be sure that you are in front of them when they are looking for a new opportunity.
- Facebook allows us to constantly stay in touch with up to 5,000 people at once!
- Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
- Because they said ‘no’ to you today doesn’t mean they won’t say ‘yes’ in the future. In reality – this is more often the case than not.
- Always think long-term with your business. A relationship which you made today could literally be worth millions for you in the future!
- With soon to be 1,000,000,000 on the social site you will never ever ever ever be short of prospects.
- As powerful as Facebook is for network marketing, it is only a bridge.
- The secret is how to use the web-site in our favor so that we can sign-up distributors.
- The real question is how to get these people from Facebook friends to distributors?
- You must prove to them that you are someone they can know, like and trust.
- The secret is nothing to do with technical skills – but more to do with human behavior.
- There are certain laws of human behavior which you must be aware of.
- Once you understand these laws properly you will become a Facebook recruiting machine.
- Use it to pitch products, services or business opportunities (without sharing any value or giving anything at all).
- They don’t have a self-branded web-site or blog as their central hub for traffic.
- They do not continue to be CONSISTENT with value-based content.
- They don’t grow an audience which is actually INTERESTED in what they have to offer (not TARGETED!)
- They spent too much time on ineffective, fluff activities(Farmville), and have no strategy or plan.
- Definitely not as easy as it used to be, as Facebook has cracked down on how many friends you can add etc. This is still ok though..
- As soon as you have anyone’s email you can search for them on Facebook.
- If you are generating leads on the Internet or buying email lists of prospects you can plug there straight in.
- Hey!! I thought it would be great to connect here on Facebook... I give away a heap of free MLM/Internet marketing training from my Facebook account so if you’d like to learn how to market your network marketing business by generating leads on Facebook just watch what I do – just add me as a friend and I’ll accept you request!!! Rock and Roll!!!!!
- Be careful adding too many friends. Send them messages like that one instead, and get them to add you.
- Facebook has no issue deleting or suspending accounts, so don’t think they won’t do it.
- Facebook rules are a good thing because it keeps the site better for us!
- If you have a Facebook account today solely just for MLM, it’s easy to find those who are adding network marketers as well (55 mutual friends). It’s fairly safe to just add these people.
- Do whatever you can to get your prospects attention and prove to them how you can really help them!
- Give as much value as you possibly can and do it in a way which means your prospects can build their trust with you.
- Do whatever you can to get them to know you, like you and trust you!
- Do not pitch your opportunity in any way shape or form.
- It’s not like your warm market who will still be your friend after you’ve forced them to sit through a biz presentation.
- Think of signing up Facebook friends as distributors like skating on thin ice.
- You have 1 shot with your cold market Facebook friends, and as soon as you BLOW IT you may as well just ‘unfriend’ them. They will NEVER listen to you again.
- Check out their ‘Likes’ on their profile and their interests. People love talking about their passions and hobbies (read Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to win friends and influence people’).
- Talking about people’s ‘Likes’ is a powerful way to quickly build rapport.
- You immediately have a bond with that person.
- How do you stand out from everyone else on Facebook? Again – VALUE!
- Add value in a way to your Facebook friends so that they get to know you, like you and trust you!
- ‘Whoever gives the most value wins!’
- NEVER think you are wasting your time writing blog posts – you NEVER know who is reading it.
- Hundreds if not thousands of people are seeing your updates, so never forget that!
1) Reciprocation. Be the first to give service and information. Be the first to offer a helping hand. Add value to your Facebook friends, and you will be rewarded.
- This is how the universe works.
- People fail building their organizations on Facebook because they FAIL TO TRUST THIS PRINCIPLE.
2) Scarcity. Don’t just give value, but demonstrate it in a way which makes you a leader in your field.
- When you do have the chance to offer people your opportunity, tell them ‘I am only recruiting three key people this year’. This makes you scarce.
- Demonstrate why you are unique with what you do.
3) Authority. It has been said that ‘People only follow those who know where they are going’.
- If you are not pitching your opportunity to your friends, but adding value as an expert to them instead – this will automatically place you into a position of authority.
- People want to feel safe joining a LEADER.
- The secret to enormous MLM Success is 2 Things, and 2 Things only:
(Marketing) 2) LEADERSHIP.
4) Consistency. People want to work with people they know they can rely on, and know they can trust to be there when they say they will. What you say must be coherent with what you do! It’s been said that ‘80% of success is just showing up.’
- Facebook is BRILLIANT for top of mind awareness – continually being in your prospects face with status updates and VALUE, VALUE, VALUE!
- It’s been said that with marketing today-it’s necessary to hit your target audience as many as 14 times with a message!
- The key is catching our prospects attention through consistency!
- I hit my leads from many different directions and mediums – they get an email, a Facebook message, and a chat or a voicemail. Can you see how it’s impossible for them to ignore me??? I’m everywhere!
5) Liking. You have to be a likeable person.
- Do you talk too much, and LISTEN too little???
- If you genuinely listen to your prospects they will tell you their problems, which you can then solve for them.
- So many people don’t LISTEN!
- As human beings all we want is just to be heard.
6) Consensus. Human beings are pack creatures, and the majority of us will look around to see what everyone else is doing before we often make a decision.
- Facebook is a great for social proof, because it is a ‘social’ site.
- Using Facebook with your prospects shows you are a real person just like them.
- Create a Facebook Account.
- Start building your audience and add those who are interested in network marketing.
- Focus on ‘quality’ rather than ‘quantity’. You can have 5,000 friends on Facebook who are practically no good to you if you haven’t made an effort to make real connections with them. For example – a quick 5 minute chat with a Facebook friend is now much more tuned into you than someone who you have never spoken to.
- Create a blog, and provide solutions to your MLM friends problems.
- Do this again, and again, and again…
- The law of ‘reciprocation’ will kick in at some point…
- A lot of people understand this much with Internet MLM, but eventually end up quitting. There is a reason for this, and this is probably the most critical thing to understand if you want to succeed with Facebook MLM…
- SYNERGY ‘means the sum of the whole is greater than all the parts’.
- SYNERGY is the secret to success with Facebook and MLM blogging.
- This is because we need to effectively get all the ‘parts’ functioning as a ‘whole’. Most people don’t do this which is why they fail.
- As well as adding value we must also properly get their attention so they will actually listen to what we have to say.
- In other words:
Writing a blog and adding value is not the answer.
Emailing your list is not the answer.
Phoning a lead IMMEDIATELY! Combined with writing a blog post IMMEDIATELY!! Combined with that blog post getting emailed to that lead.
- The sum of the whole is much greater than all of the parts.
- I swear this is why people don’t get it.
- This is the Art and the Science to Facebook Marketing.
- People MUST understand this to succeed.
- You MUST limit your time on Facebook to 20 minutes a day for prospecting. This is all that’s needed!
- Time is the most valuable thing to the entrepreneur.
- Time is more valuable than money. You can get money back – but you can never get time back.
- Critically analyze you daily tasks and how you are spending time on Facebook. Are you spending you time effectively? Be brutal on yourself…
- Use the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Law) and discover
I hope this little piece of information helps.
Thank you for dropping by...
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