How to Shoot Eagles... (MLM Leaders)

I have heard trying to sponsor MLM leaders is like trying to shoot Eagles, and in my experience this has been very true.
Eagles are not easy to spot like your average run of the mill Duck. Eagles are always circling HIGH, and like to look down on everyone else.
Eagles also don’t fly in a flock like ducks.
Eagles prefer to fly SOLO.

This is why you need a special scope on your rifle to take out an MLM leader.
It’s easy to sponsor a duck into your organization. Ducks just simply follow one another and are easy to lead. They will simply just follow you and waddle right into your organization. Ducks are also easy to shoot – as there are so many of them sometimes it’s literally HARD TO MISS!

Sponsoring an Eagle is different. It takes a bit more than just taking a random shot at a flock of them – because they don’t fly with others.
Not only are they harder to spot – there are also much fewer of them.
This makes MLM leaders much harder to shoot which is why you need a special scope on your rifle.

The Perfect Rifle To Blow Away MLM Leaders.

This is a description of the perfect rifle so you can succeed in shooting Eagles.
First of all, always remember the best way to sponsor an MLM leader into your business is to always remember who you are speaking to. Understand your Eagles.
They won’t be lead, because they are leaders. They don’t follow anyone and won’t just join your organization UNLESS THEY CHOOSE TO.

You are most likely won’t be able to close them. THEY WILL CLOSE THEMSELVES.
Always find out what motivates them. What is their ‘why’ for wanting to get involved in your MLM business.
Generally eagles are motivated by recognition. 

Eagles LOVE things such as:
Receiving awards in front of everyone.
Being known for achieving the top of the compensation plan.
Being a winner.
You must appease their ego. Talk about the recognition they’ll receive. Give them the information about your company and let them make their decision.
Generally MLM leaders make fairly spontaneous decisions, and they are focused on what they can accomplish. Let them know what you can do for them.
Never be afraid to stand your ground with an MLM leader – they like to join strong people like themselves. 

The importance of leadership in MLM.

The key to success in network marketing is simply about finding MLM leaders.
Most new network marketers don’t realize that attrition is a completely natural part of building a successful organization, as it is quite normal for a million dollar MLM business to have an attrition rate as high as 80%!
What this means is that 8 out of every 10 people you sponsor into your organization will eventually end up quitting.
So how do you build a successful network marketing organization if your Ducks are continually flying south??

You take out those Eagles, and once you’ve got them, you give them the most time out of everyone in your organization.
The 2 out of 10 people that do stay in your organization are the ones that will build you a fortune. You only need a few key people to do it to achieve what you want in network marketing.
Leadership is without a doubt, the magic juice and the key to the kingdom in network marketing. Most people don’t realize this, which is why they end up quitting when a few distributors end up leaving their downline.

What they don’t understand is that this is simply just part of the journey.
Finding an MLM leader and getting them into your organization naturally is a little more difficult than getting your average Duck to join. However, once you do get them in they will literally build your business for you totally by themselves. You probably won’t hear from them much.

You’re now ready to aim at MLM leaders…
You now have a little bit more clarity how to successfully build your MLM organization. It’s time to start searching the skies. They’re out there I guarantee it. 
And remember – it only takes a few key MLM leaders in your business to dramatically grow an organization. 

Happy shooting!

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